Graphic Tablets


It is a input device which is predominantly used by graphic designers, architects and cartoonist. It also allows teachers and instructors to free up interactive whiteboards from personal use. It consists of a flat surface, on which a user can draw graphics using a special pen known as stylus. It is used, just like a paper is used with a pencil and therefore is preferred over a mouse which is quite difficult to control when it comes to drawing. But unlike a paper, whatever a user draws on the surface of the tablet appears on the computer screen attached to it.

A graphic tablet is also known as graphic pad or pen tablet and is widely used to write those characters and symbols which are not found on a conventional keyboard like Chinese and Japanese characters. They are also used in technical drawing, are commonly used in schools and colleges and generally work with interactive whiteboards of the same brand. Therefore it is advisable that you purchase tablets and whiteboards both from the same manufacturer to avoid any incompatibility issue.

Following accessories are used with graphic tablets: stylus, stylus eraser, airbrush, art pens, puck and tablet mouse. The stylus eraser is a eraser like tip on top of the stylus which is used to erase layer(s) of an image. It can also be used as a selection tool or as a particular brush. Pucks are used to accurately trace diagrams.

Wacom, a Japanese company is one of the largest manufacturers of graphic tablets in the world. Some other companies which manufacture graphic pads are 'interactive education' and 'promethean'.

Source: Interactive whiteboards: Graphic Tablets

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